
Women's Health

 Family Planning NSW







Clinic 66 - Chatswood

The Women's Cottage   Hawkesbury 

                                       Leichardt Women's Community Health Centre 









Australasian Society for HIV Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine

Gidget Foundation Australia for perinatal anxiety and depression

LGBT+ Health Services











- See their list of Gender Affirming doctors 








LBTIQ+ Health Australia







Black Rainbow

Sydney Sexual Health Centre







Twenty 10 - Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of NSW

Birthing on Country

Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSiNaM)


Mental Health Tranining for health professionals

Sexual Wellness




The Labia Library - Women’s Health Victoria’s award-winning health literacy resource for women and health professionals

"100 Vaginas" 

SBS Documentary by artist, Laura Dodsworth